Chapter3: Manila Lingo/馬尼拉語言學
…裡的一小部份…的一個小小的部份。In “Manila Lingo”I talk about linguistics. After all, I have a Ph.D. degree in linguistics, so I always knew I’d have to make a linguistics comic story :) Here I use examples from three local speech varieties in Manila - Tagalog, Taglish, and Filipino English - not only to showcase what I have found interesting in the culture, but also to sort of clarify some basic, scientific ideas about human language.
(1) 以菲律賓街頭小吃為例來看菲式英語的創意
(2) 然後這篇也講幾個泰加錄語(Tagalog)裡有趣的隱喻的例子。猜猜看”蝦子”被拿來比喻什麼? “湯”又被拿來比喻什麼? (我本想說猜得到的話有獎,但我不知道要送三小…。如果你還是想猜的話請私訊~)
(3) 兩個語言之間絕對不只是聲音及語法不同而已。比如說,很多人或語言教材會告訴你菲律賓泰加錄(Tagalog)語的「我愛你」是”Mahal kita”,但其實不是這麼簡單:”mahal”的字義若只用漢語的「愛」來理解就太貧乏了,而”kita”事實上既不是「我」也不是「你」。從一個語言到另一個語言間有太多東西是無法用「我的A=你的B」的對應方式來翻譯的,我個人以為所謂”語言即文化”真正重要的意涵是在這裡 (所以才要保護少數語。每失去一個語言所失去的知識體系/世界觀是絕~對~不~可~能用另一個語言解釋清楚保存下來的,文化在根本上是無法翻譯的。)(啊太可怕了一講到語言學我的學究樣就會出現@_@)。總之在這篇漫畫裡我試著解釋這一點。
(4) 這一篇裡的擬人動物出現的比例實在太高了,連怪奇物種都出現了,出版社還敢號稱這是紀實漫畫還真是有臉啊根本都被我搞砸了嘛哈哈
(1) Words in Taglish that refer to certain “body parts” in street food! You’ll be amazed by not only the creativity but also sense of humor in Filipino culture.
(2) Metaphors in young, modern Tagalog. Guess, when they are used to describe people, what does “shrimp”refer to? How about “soup”? (Hey if you really want to guess, before reading the book, send me a personal message please.)
(3) While most Tagalog lessons tell you “Mahal kita” means “I love you,”I am telling you otherwise. I explain why the difference between cultures cannot be simplified, or reduced to, a “X in Language A = Y in Language B”one-to-one translation equation. There’s A LOT more to it. I explain why the meaning of“mahal” is more than the English word “love” can sufficiently describe, just like “kita” is, albeit a pronoun, neither “I” nor “you.”
(4) This story probably has way too many non-human animals (that are “personified” in a way) to still be considered a“non-fiction”XD
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