Order <Halo-Halo Manila> at http://www.sloworkpublishing.com/shop/
Chapter 5: Metalheads/ 金屬頭
1) -(最近才剛被大學麻吉提醒)十幾年前當我還在多雨水多過敏多動物的台北市某區讀書時竟然是個會把本來就已經是地下室見不到天光的出租雅房的四面牆壁全貼滿黑紙關在裡頭聽死金屬的多此一舉的難人。
2) -近十年前跑去零下的加拿大蒙特婁過春假時住到一間B&B民宿老闆是個一頭不柔順長金髮24小時唯一黑皮衣皮褲造型但一大早會很專業地問你:「要吃雞卵嗎? 幾粒? 怎煮?」從荷包蛋炒蛋蛋卷半熟溫泉蛋到水煮蛋全都能快速完美地變出來的根本重金屬廚神的勇人。
3) -五年前在馬尼拉過著鬱卒的生活時是個會在晚上跑去酒吧聽獨立金屬樂團獨立於愛國主義之外大聲幹譙菲國社會(但因為是用吼的所以在現場時其實完全聽嘸)聽別人罵完自己國家後就比較爽一點了的心理扭曲人。
Imagine this: You are a believer of anarchism and you normally listen to political music. You come to a foreign country to teach, but you end up in a private Catholic school with a conservative administration. And, while irrational nationalism has plagued almost every corner of the world, this country you’ve come to - the Philippines - happens to be one of the places where patriotism is especially un(der)questioned, omnipresent and taken for granted. What do you do?
I made this comic story, the last chapter in <Halo-Halo Manila>, with a specific group of Manileños in mind: This is a group of mostly heavy metal and occasionally punk fans in the local music scene who call themselves “metalheads.” They also happen to be some of the most honest, unpatriotic, discontented, respectful, and friendly folks I’ve met in the Philippines. I like them that way.