Thursday, November 17, 2016

Halo-Halo Manila Preview 02

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Chapter1: A Martial Law Tale/戒嚴番外篇

“A Martial Law Tale,” the first story in <Halo-Halo Manila>, is, quite surprisingly, a story about martial law (wow!). In detail, it shows how Ferdinand Marcos’ police officers messed with my father- and mother-in-laws. It’s really funny. You’ll see. <哈囉哈囉馬尼拉>的第一篇故事叫「戒嚴番外篇」,講的竟然是菲律賓馬可仕政權時戒嚴~番外~的故事! 說起來就是我太太的家族因為反抗馬可仕而有好幾個人成為政治犯逃亡的逃亡被關的被關的故事的~番外!! 再具體講就是戒嚴前一晚馬可仕的爪牙(警察)進我岳父母家亂搞一~番外~所發生的…趣事。

Some highlights:
(1) Because I am incapable of drawing “police officer,” I drew swine/live-pork instead. As a result, in this supposedly non-fictional and realistic graphic novel, you’ll see cartoon animals capable of things only Disney’s animals can do. Amazing~ (1) 因為不會畫”爪牙”,所以把警察畫成豬,自此開啟了「明明是紀實漫畫竟然出現會講話的動物這三小」之門。

(2) The only comics I ever wanted to make were black-and-white. But then I wasn’t digging large areas of pure black and white contrast, and I didn’t want to use screentone sheets. So besides some crosshatching, I tried to create and utilize different patterns to add layers and textures. I had lots of fun (and hand-cramps!) making these patterns. I hope you ‘ll enjoy them, too. (2) 因為我人生沒有色彩所以漫畫也是歐北的,且只想用實體的筆在實體的紙上畫,且不喜歡網點,又不甲意只用大面積的黑和白對比,結果就是必須不斷想辦法用線條和點搞出不同的patterns來表現層次感。還蠻好玩的。有時手會抽筋。

(3) Because “Martial Law” was the first story, I had some trouble choosing a style: Should I go with a cartoony look b/c the story is funny or should I go with a more realistic look? I ended up mixing both, resulting in somewhat of a (first-timer’s) tacky feeling. I hope you don’t mind the tackiness; I myself like it. (3) 因為<哈囉哈囉>是我第一次接受專業出版的挑戰(即不是隨手畫畫送朋友看爽的)而這又是第一篇,有點拿捏不住到底要用什麼畫風,所以有時會出現卡通和寫實混在一起的地方,本來編輯有叫我改…但是如上星期所述我的品味特異、喜歡”拙感”哈味,所以一直假裝沒聽到,把她的話當耳邊風, 最後就沒事不用改了哇哈哈。

(4) As mentioned, this is my first professional work (i.e., not just zine or self-publishing fun), so I got to work with an editor and learn from her. One thing I learned a lot about is comics paneling (designing and arranging panels). It’s so hard yet so totally fascinating. In this story I tried to go with a 3-6-9(grids per page) layouts. (4) 分鏡是我學到最多的東西。這篇嘗試的是三(格)六(格)九(格)的分鏡法。說到這裡就想到我前年過世的大阿伯,他過年時會陪囝仔玩”三六仔”,我三歲、六歲,和九歲時都有輸錢嗚。

Images of the week: 3-6-9 layout

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